Acai Berry Bowl


The Acai Berry is a super food, is the highest in antioxidants of all berries, being a powerful antioxidant helps prevent cancer, improve skin, helps prevent premature aging, strengthens hair, improving its appearance, and it helps you have a healthy heart.




This healthy option is ideal for breakfast as it brings us a lot of energy.  The Acai Berry bowl contains ingredients that are full of antioxidants such as berries which have high content of antioxidants that helps the body to detoxify, and regulate all vital  functions.  Also, Chia which is rich in omega 3 and proteins, and bananas known for their potassium; this mineral is essential for the body, cardiovascular functions and digestive system. Bananas stimulate the release of serotonin which improves the mood,  and makes you feel good.





  • 1 cup organic acai berry juice
  • 1 cup frozen berries
  • 1 banana

Toppings: blackberries, chia seeds, blueberries

Place all ingredients in a blender until a creamy consistency.

Servings: 1 cup


About the Author

Stephanie Ugalde

Born in Mexico and living in California. Cooking healthy recipes, and sharing with family and friends is my passion. It is satisfying to help them achieve a healthy, active and happy lifestyle.


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