Zucchini Pasta


A very delicious and creative way to prepare vegetables is very important when eating, since the texture of vegetables makes them look more tasty.  In this case, the Italian zucchini becomes spiral, and so is enjoyed as a delicious spaghetti totally low in carbohydrates and saturated fats.


Zucchini is composed of 95% water which is ideal for weight loss.  It also contains fiber that helps to improve digestion.  In order to have better nutritional benefits of the zucchini, you should not remove the skin, and consume them either steamed or raw, and preferably organic.  This zucchini pasta accompanied by a rich sauce with mushrooms and eggplant gives a very delicious taste.



  • 3 zucchini (preferably organic)
  • 1 cup tomato sauce (preferably organic)
  • 1/2 pound mushrooms
  • 1 eggplant (Japanese)
  • Fresh oregano to taste
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Himalaya salt to taste


In a hot pan add olive oil and immediately add the eggplant.  After a few minutes add the sliced mushrooms.  When vegetables are already al dente, add tomato sauce, fresh oregano and a little salt to taste.  Once the mixture is ready, remove from heat and serve the sauce along with the zucchini pasta.  Finally, add a little olive oil to taste.

Yield: 2 servings

About the Author

Stephanie Ugalde

Born in Mexico and living in California. Cooking healthy recipes, and sharing with family and friends is my passion. It is satisfying to help them achieve a healthy, active and happy lifestyle.


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