Figs and Strawberries Smoothie


Smoothies are not only delicious and easy to prepare, but they are also an excellent choice to consume more fruits, and so add all the nutrients essential to our diet.



 This delicious smoothie made with fresh and organic ingredients is the perfect choice to start the day, as it contains a seasonal fruit. It is much better to consume seasonal fruits, because they are sweeter and have a delicious taste.

Figs are full of antioxidants,and they are a good source of calcium. It contain a lot of fiber which helps speed up the digestive rate, and it is also a natural laxative. Also, the fig is a very important source of potassium, a mineral effective to reduce and control blood pressure.





  • Milk Almond (the necessary).
  • 1 Cup of figs.
  • 1 Cup of strawberries.
  • Dates (To sweeten).
  • Chia seeds.


Add all ingredients to a blender, and if you prefer, you can add ice or frozen strawberries!


About the Author

Stephanie Ugalde

Born in Mexico and living in California. Cooking healthy recipes, and sharing with family and friends is my passion. It is satisfying to help them achieve a healthy, active and happy lifestyle.

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