Quinoa and purple cauliflower


Delicious and colorful recipe with healthy ingredients as quinoa and cauliflower that add taste to your food menu.


 Quinoa is a super food because it contains amino acids that influence brain development and is composed of minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium), vitamins (C, E, B1). It is rich in omega 6, fiber, contains a low glycemic index, and also a high level of protein which is a very valuable food if you are training and want to build muscle mass.  In addition, it is very versatile when it comes to prepare, and  needless so say; it’s delicious!



  • 1 cup organic quinoa.
  • 2 cups water.
  • 1 cup purple cauliflower.
  • 1 cup sprouts Brucella.
  • 1/2 bunch cilantro, finely chopped.
  • Fresh rosemary.
  • Fresh oregano.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Himalayan pink salt.


Add the quinoa in boiling water with salt or vegetable brew, reduce heat and cover, cook for 15 minutes.  Preheat oven to 350 °F on a baking sheet, put a little olive oil and place the cauliflower, sprouts Brucella, salt, rosemary, oregano. They left in the oven about 15 minutes until they are roasted. Finally, mix the cilantro with quinoa and put them over the roasted vegetables. Easy and delicious!


About the Author

Stephanie Ugalde

Born in Mexico and living in California. Cooking healthy recipes, and sharing with family and friends is my passion. It is satisfying to help them achieve a healthy, active and happy lifestyle.



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