Breastfeeding Awareness Month + Breastfeeding tips & essentials with Walmart

* This post is in partnership with Walmart, all opinions are my own.


Breastfeeding is one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences a new mom can go through. It takes a lot of work, dedication, and some tears, but once you and your baby have succeeded at it, the pride and joy you feel will be worth it.  In addition to feeling incredibly accomplished in mastering this difficult step of motherhood, know that you’re also providing the best nutrition for your baby’s growth, as well as getting the ability to bond in such a beautiful way with your child.

Did you know August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month? In honor to this national event supported by Walmart with amazing deals on breastfeeding items, I wanted to share my breastfeeding experience, tips and some of the products I use to make this wonderful experience a successful one.

Ask for lactation consultant assistance

I was given the ability to have a lactation consultant support since the day Catalina was born. Since I was not producing enough milk right after my C-section, she advised that I manually stimulate my breast to get the colostrum started.  One of the tips I was given for a successful leaching was called “the hamburger”.  For this, she told me to pinch my boob and hold it like a hamburger, and then I pushed the back of my baby’s head onto my breast. Ouch! it hurts as it sounds, but after many tries and patient; it worked!


Get the right tools

For me, a breast pump was an essential must-have, it was the key to start stimulating my breast for milk supply.  At the beginning, I had to pump at every feeding, alternating with each breast. The more breast stimulation you can do, the better it is for your milk supply.

In addition to a regular breast pump, I also had a hands-free pumping bra. This allowed me to multitask while pumping. I also got a nursing bra that not only feels comfortable but is also convenient for use. I found a triangle cup wire-free nursing sleep bra that is very soft and comfortable for those long breastfeeding nights. Disposable nursing pads to stay dry and keep my nipples clean are also a must.


Getting comfortable

Since my nursery room is where I spend most of the time with my baby girl, having a breastfeeding station where I can be comfortable and have easy access to all my nursing essentials was a necessity for me. It took some time to find a nursery chair that didn’t only look pretty but was also functional and comfortable for both Catalina and myself.

Another one of the biggest contributions to the comfort of the breastfeeding station in the nursery was my boppy pillow. It gave me the ability make myself comfortable while also helping my baby to find a good breastfeeding position for herself. The positioning of the baby is very important to get a successful leaching. This pillow is also functional for the months to come. My baby girl is currently using it as a great support for tummy time and seating.


Be patient and take it day-by-day

I remember being in tears when I first started breastfeeding. For me, the most painful part was the discomfort at my nipples. Nipples get very sensitive, damaged and dry from the baby sucking and leaving saliva. In addition to the pain of natural breastfeeding, they can also get sore with the use of the breast pump.

While I had to be patient and wait until my nipples got hard-skinned; this organic nipple cream kept them moist and helped with the dryness and discomfort. It took about three months for them to heal. After that I started to really enjoy it.

Thinking ahead of time

While it’s important to get your baby used to breastfeeding, it’s also smart to store extra milk in case of an emergency, or in my case to simply give myself a break and provide my husband the ability to bond with our daughter on their own time. I recommend to pump and store or freeze breast milk supply in these BPA-free, no-leak easy-to-close  zipper breast milk storage bags.  The protective oxygen barrier preserves all the essential nutrients that your breast milk provides to your baby.

We tried a variety of different bottle styles, but this baby bottle that was recommended by our pediatrician worked the best and helped a lot with the gases and colics.  It also works with most breast pumps that are currently on the market.

Eating healthy

Having a healthy diet based on vegetables, fruits, and healthy grains was a big contributor for my milk supply. I continue to take my pregnancy vitamins and drink at least 1 glass of water at every breastfeeding.

As much as I love my vegetables, on occasions I treat myself to these lactation cookies that are not only delicious, but also rich in ingredients that help contribute to my milk supply.

Be present, relaxed and enjoy your time together

For me, being present has been the key to a successful breastfeeding experience. I tried to stay away from any distractions during mine and my baby girl’s time so that I could focus all my energy and attention on her and us. Knowing that this time will go fast, I try to make every moment count.

I love to interact with her during our time by talking to her, rubbing her head, touching her face and signing. This amazing connection you are making during your time with your child is so magical, take the time to enjoy them while they are little.


I hope you have found this post helpful. If you have any questions or concerns I can help, I would love to know! Feel free to share your tips and favorites with me!


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